Continuing our series of introductions to the passionate team behind the COA (Chromophobe and Oncocytic Tumor Alliance) board, this week we're excited to spotlight one of our founding board members, Laura Esfeller!
Fast Facts
Location: Rancho Cucamonga, California
Occupation: Marketing Director
Kidney Cancer Connection: Stage 4 FH-Deficient Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma (HLRCC)
Did you know (fun fact)..? I’m a member of Krewe of Cleopatra, a women’s Mardi Gras Krewe in New Orleans, and I ride in their parade every year.
My Story: Linked here
My “Why”
When I was diagnosed in 2016, the treatment landscape for rare kidney cancers was incredibly bleak. I was fortunate to enroll in a clinical trial that completely changed my outlook; I have been NED (no evidence of disease) for seven years because of the treatment I received. However, I know my outcome is uncommon among other rare kidney cancer patients, and I want to do everything I can to change that. While I don’t have Chromophobe RCC, I have always found it easy to connect with Chromophobe patients because many are younger and female like me, and we share a lot of the same challenges. That’s why I was honored when Katie asked me to join the board, because I know breakthroughs for one area of rare kidney cancers can lead to more.
COA Year Two
As COA continues into its second year, I’m looking most forward to working with the board to create unique and innovative ways to raise funds and spread awareness. I’m also looking forward to making more connections within the kidney cancer and chromophobe community.
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
Chromophobe and Oncocytic Tumor Alliance (COA)
Judy Nicholson Kidney Cancer Foundation (JNF)
SWOG Cancer Research Network
National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS)
US DoD Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) Kidney Cancer Research Programmatic Panel
Learn More
Instagram: coa_kidney
Facebook: COA